2024 AGM
2024 AGM and Board Elections:
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Disabled Wintersport Australia Limited will be held on 29th September 2024. The AGM will be held online, commencing at 4pm (AEST).
AGM Documentation:
A formal AGM Notice, including Agenda, Nominations and Financial Statements will be provided to Members no less than 21 days prior to the AGM on the 8th September 2024.
2023-2024 Financial Audited Statements
Appointment and Remuneration of Auditors
AGM Registration:
As the AGM will be held electronically, it is important that Members advise their attendance in advance, so that video conference access details may be emailed to you prior the meeting. Please advise your attendance, along with the email address to which you wish the videoconference access details to be sent, to the CEO by 5.00pm, Wednesday 25th September (rhastie@disabledwintersport.com.au).
All those who have notified their intent to intend will be sent the details to access Zoom videoconference for the 2024 DWA AGM on Thursday 26th September.
Election of Directors:
The Board comprises six elected Directors and up to five appointed Directors. All Directors hold office for a term expiring upon the date of the third (3rd) Annual General Meeting following their last election or appointment. All Directors upon expiration of their terms of office are eligible for re-election or re-appointment but must not serve more than three consecutive terms as a Director.
Six (6) eligible nominations were received for the three (3) vacant positions of Elected Directors, being from Libby Adam, Murray Bartram, Doug Cross, Alice Debney, Lori Mode and Rachel Wadsworth. A copy of their nomination forms and their CVs can be found below.
As the number of eligible candidates nominated for election exceeds the number of vacancies, there shall be an election for the three Elected Director positions. Voting will be cast electronically during the AGM.
If you are a person with disability interested in becoming a member
If you want to use your skiing or snowboarding skills as a volunteer guide